مجلس الشعب السوري
اسم المستخدم
كلمة المرور
نسيت كلمة المرور
تسجيل جديد
 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

حسين راغب ضيف سيريا تايمز

الأحد, 7 كانون الثاني, 2018

Iran plays pivotal role in Syrian economic, military and political files in coordination with the Syrian government and within the framework of Syrian sovereignty, Housen Ragheb, the Syrian Member of Parliament, told the Syriatimes e-newspaper on Saturday.

The MP, who occupies the position of Deputy Chairman of Reconciliation Committee at the People’s Assembly [Parliament], made it clear that Iran had been engaged in several reconciliation deals, such as al-Foua and Madaya deals.

“It is known that Iran is also a main party in Astana talks on Syria and we hope that these talks will help end war and push political process forwards,” he said, indicating that the recent meeting between the Iranian parliamentary delegation and the members of the Syrian-Iranian Parliamentary Friendship Association in Syria dealt with enhancing cooperation between the two countries in Parliamentary, economic and cultural fields.

 “Few days ago, members of the Syrian-Iranian Friendship Association discussed with the visiting Iranian delegation several important issues in the light of the strategic relations between the two countries. There was an agreement about the necessity of enhancing dialogue between the parliaments of the two countries within the framework of positive and constructive relations,” Ragheb added.

He pointed out that discussions focused on the necessity of establishing a Syrian-Iranian parliamentary chamber for direct and daily communication.


As for cooperation in economic filed, the MP said that the two sides reviewed cooperation in reconstruction process and development projects. “There was a suggestion of allocating places within the industrial zones to set up Iranian economic and industrial areas. This will be done in coordination with the Ministries of Local Administration, Industry and Economy.” He said.

Other issues relating to setting up Syrian-Iranian payment system that guarantees a balanced and flexible flow of  products between the two countries, getting benefit from scientific and technological development, establishing Business Services Center, increasing scholarships, establishing Syrian-Iranian Studies center to confront Takfiri and terrorist thinking, establishing observation center to pursue terrorist war crimes and to put on trial those who are responsible for these crimes, were also tackled by the Syrian-Iranian MPs.

Syrian-Iranian Friendship Association

Contrary to parliamentary norms, the Syrian-Iranian Parliamentary Friendship Association, founded about one year ago, is chaired by speakers of the two countries in order to stress the distinguished relations between Syria and Iran.

Ragheb is Deputy Chairman of the Syrian side in the Syrian-Iranian Friendship Association, which seeks to boost joint parliamentary ties, upgrades coordination between the PA [Syrian Parliament] and Shoura Council in international meetings, enhance communication between Syrian and Iranian communities in the two countries and unify viewpoints towards regional and international issues.

He commented on the attempts of the US, Zionist Entity and Saudi Arabia to destabilize Iran, saying : “It is obvious that the United States, Zionist Entity and Saudi Arabia target the policy of resistance that has been adopted by Iran since the eruption of the Islamic revolution. The Saudi-Israel covert cooperation against Iran has become open and it aims to destabilize Iran in order to destroy the constituents of the state similar to what happened in several Arab countries in the past years.”

Zionist-Wahhabi coalition sponsored by the U.S. Imperialism

The MP went on to say that the Zionist-Wahhabi coalition sponsored by the U.S. Imperialism wants servile and subordinate states, but the steadfastness of the peoples in Iran, Syria, Yemen and in other countries have foiled this plot.

“Destabilizing Iran would have dangerous repercussion on regional and world peace and security. But we are certain that the Iranian people and leadership will foil the conspiracy and will end sedition,” Ragheb concluded.

Four days ago, an Iranian parliamentary delegation led by Deputy Chairman of Iran-Syria Parliamentary Friendship Association Ahmad Salek arrived in Syria for a three-day visit.

Interviewed by: Basma Qaddour


عدد المشاهدات: 13126

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