مجلس الشعب السوري
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 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

محمد فهد الأمين ضبف سيريا تايمز

السبت, 4 تشرين الثاني, 2017

Member of the Syrian People's Assembly (Parliament) Fahed Mohammad Ameen has affirmed that the victory achieved today by the Syrian Arab army and allies in Deir Ezzour city is not only an ‘expected military victory’ but it is a military, political, social and economic achievement as it foils aggressive schemes against the region.

“There have been aggressive schemes against the region, and the aggressors have tried to carry out these plans from Deir Ezzour city with a big logistic support. But Syrians’ will has triumphed through their adherence to national principles,” the MP told the Syriatimes newspaper- via Facebook messenger.

 He indicated that the victory in the Syrian city of Deir Ezzour, which coincided with the liberation of al-Qaem city by Iraqi forces, proves that terrorist projects in Syria and in the region will end soon.

“Deir Ezzour victory is the victory of will over weapons; and the victory of truth over falsehood,” Ameen, whose hometown city is Deir Ezzour, added, saluting President Bashar al-Assad, Deir Ezzour residents and the heroes, who achieved the victory that will have positive political and military repercussions on the region.

“After today’s victory, I do expect conflicts and rows among anti-Syria forces and a lot of secrets will be unveiled,” the MP said, referring to the recent remarks made by the former Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jasem about conspiracy against Syria.

He concluded by saying that terrorism has no place in the region.

Today, the General Command of Army and Armed Forces announced liberation of Deir Ezzour city from ISIS terrorists.

Interviewed by: Basma Qaddour

عدد المشاهدات: 10296

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