مجلس الشعب السوري
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 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

مرعي ضيف سيريا تايمز

الأربعاء, 24 كانون الثاني, 2018

A delegation composed of three members of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) held last week talks with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov in Moscow.

The two-hour talks zeroed in on Sochi congress due to be held by the end of this month and the Turkish military aggressions on Syrian territories, according to the SSNP’s Politburo Member Dr. Ahmad Mer’ei, who made it clear that the delegation visited Moscow at the invitation of Russian Foreign Ministry.

 “We suggested during the meeting with the Russian official that Sochi congress must be based on new military developments on the ground,” he told the Syriatimes e-newspaper, indicating that Geneva talks are based on the military situation in 2012.

He went on to say: “Mr. Bogdanov asserted that Sochi congress is important because representatives of all spectrum of Syrians will take part in it; however, the political solution will be announced in Geneva.”

Well, over 2000 persons representing Syrian government, internal and external opposition-except Riyadh platform- PYD and YPG- are due to take part in Sochi congress on January 29-30 to review the mechanisms of political solution to the crisis in Syria besides constitutional ideas to draw up a new constitution and to hold constitutional elections in accordance with this new constitution.

Turkey vetoed participation of PYD, YPG in Sochi congress

“Saudi Arabia and the United States have decided to hinder the congress and ordered Riyadh platform not to take part in it, while Turkey vetoed the participation of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the forthcoming Sochi congress,” Dr. Mer’ei said, adding that the Kurdish National Council will take part in the congress. 

Turkey seeks to connect zones of influence

He stated that the SSNP delegation to Moscow told Mr. Bogdanov that Turkey commits mistakes and it seeks to connect zones of influence.

“Turkey occupies the north-eastern side of Aleppo province, i.e. Jarablus and al-Bab areas being held by the so-called Euphrates Shield forces [which are backed by Turkey] and it seeks to connect it with Efrin area which is located in the northwestern side of Aleppo city in order to establish what it calls a safe zone of influence for it,” Dr. Mer’ei said, affirming that Turkey’s military operations in Syrian territories violate the sovereignty of the Syrian state.

Yesterday, the Turkish regime started a military aggression on Efrin city using various types of weapons, according to the Syrian Arab News agency (SANA), which reported that Syria condemned the aggression and called on the international community to take steps to stop it immediately.

Interviewed by: Basma Qaddour


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