مجلس الشعب السوري
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 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

نورا أريسيان ضيفة سيريا تايمز

الأربعاء, 28 شباط, 2018

The Syrian Member of Parliament Dr. Nora Arissian has appealed to European parliamentarians to urge their governments to stop supporting terrorism in Syria and to come to see the reality of events in the country.

In an interview with the British Channel 4 News, the MP invited European MPs to come to Syria in order to see the truth, asserting that what is being circulated by MSM about the situation in the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus comes within media war being waged on Syria.

 “I invite the European MPs to come to Syria and to visit ST.Louis French Hospital in Qassa’a area in Damascus in order to meet children and elderly persons, who lost their legs and arms in terror mortar and rocket attacks carried out by foreign-backed terrorist organizations in Eastern Ghouta against civilians in Damascus...it is horrible” the MP said, indicating that she visited the above mentioned hospital few days ago and saw the suffering of those persons.

“This is how we live in the capital for 7 years. So, we urge all European governments to stop supporting terrorism in Syria...This is what all parliamentarians have to do,” Dr. Arissian, who lives in Abbaseyen area near Jobar district [flashpoint area in Damascus], told the presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy.

She indicated that Baronness Caroline Cox had led a delegation that visited Damascus few months ago and saw the truth.

Moreover, the MP asserted that terrorists- positioned in the Eastern Ghouta- breached the ceasefire resolution recently adopted by the UNSC and they pressed ahead with shelling Damascus.

“Even hospitals are shelled by terrorists.. There is no good and bad terrorists…we welcome all initiatives that lead to peace..we only want peace here in Syria,” Dr. Arissian added, affirming that the Syrian army and government have the right to fight terrorism in the country.

Today, the journalist Tom Duggan posted a video report on his facebook account about truth of the situation in Syria and asserted that none of the western media appear to be interested. Here below the link of the video:



Basma Qaddour

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