مجلس الشعب السوري
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 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

د. أحمد مرعي ضيف سيريا تايمز

السبت, 8 أيلول, 2018

Syrian Member of Parliament Dr. Ahmad Mer’ei has underscored that the Iranian Foreign Minister’s yesterday diplomatic visit to Damascus is a clear message to the United States that there is a strong coalition between Tehran and Damascus that will stand together against any U.S. or Israeli threat.

He told the Syriatimes e-newspaper that the visit of Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, which came around one week after the visit made by Iran’s Defense Minister where a military coordination deal was signed, dealt with the forthcoming tripartite summit to be held between Iran, Russia, Turkey in Tehran in order to discuss Idlib battle.

“Idlib battle is not the last battle. It is the last major battle in Syria and its importance lies in eliminating the last terrorist gathering that poses threat not only to Syria but also to all world countries as 30000 foreign terrorists are reportedly still in Idlib and no country wants them to go back to their homeland [in Europe],” the MP said, referring to the role of Turkey in the file of Idlib battle.

 “The Turkish regime has no interest in disarming al-Nusra Front terrorists and it will not abandon them because it wants them to move to the sites of Turkish forces inside Syria to fight the PKK,” Dr. Mer’ei clarified, pointing out the Turkey has either to play a positive role in ending the file of Idlib battle or to bear the consequences of the battle as the Syrian state is determined to liberate Idlib from terrorists.

The parliamentarian reckons that Turkey will choose to play a positive role in the file of Idlib as its support for terrorist organizations in Syria in the past seven years and its wrong policy caused a big damage to Ankara.

Recent U.S. threats

As for the recent US threats against Syria, the MP affirmed that Washington is seeking to escalate the crisis in Syria due to the victories achieved by Syrian army and allies against terrorist groups. “After the great achievements made by Syrian army and allies against terrorists, any potential US or Israeli aggression will have no effect on military operations in Idlib.”

“The liberation of all big areas in Aleppo, Damascus countryside and Daraa by Syrian army and allies foiled the US, Saudi, Turkish and Qatari plots in Syria, not to mention the change of Jordan’s strategy towards Syria” Dr. Mer’ei stressed.

He made it clear that Amman’s interest lies in enhancing economic and security relations with Damascus.

Reconstruction process

Regarding reconstruction process in Syria, the MP reiterated that the Syrian government will be giving priority to friendly countries, which stood by Syria in counterterrorism, i.e. Russia, Iran and China.

“The Europeans, who said in the past that reconstruction process will never begin before the start of political transition in Syria, want now to take part in the process. But Syria will never allow them to take part in the process as they were the spearhead of war on Syria,” Dr. Mer’ei asserted.

He concluded by saying: “Today we can confidently say that we [Syria and allies] have defeated U.S. and all its tools in the region.”


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