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 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

أحمد مرعي ضيف سبوتنيك الانكليزية

السبت, 29 أيلول, 2018

DAMASCUS, September 24 (Sputnik) - Russia delivering S-300 missile systems to Syria reflects Moscow's serious intentions and this will help to protect the country and Russian troops against Israel's attacks, Syrian parliament member Ahmad Merhi told Sputnik on Monday.

Earlier in the day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced measures on increasing security of Russian servicemen in response to the crash of Russian Il-20 military aircraft in Syria, which Russia believes Israel was responsible for. According to the minister, Russia would equip the Syrian air defense forces’ command posts with automatic control systems, which had been previously possessed only by Russia, jam satellite navigation, on-board radars and communication systems of combat aviation attacking Syrian targets and, most importantly, supply S-300 air defense systems to Syria.

"We are going to have a good system that can significantly improve our military capabilities. All Russian planes will be identified by the Syrian antimissile defense system. This delivery is not an act of aggression against Israel, but a measure to protect and defend the Syrian sovereign borders and the Russian army personnel," Merhi indicated.

He stressed that the announced measure was of great significance both for Damascus and Moscow.

"This is important news for the Syrians. I believe that it is also important for our friends and allies, the Russians. It means that Russian allies do want to put an end to the Israelis' arrogance and bragging ... It is the implementation of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's words stating that Russia will not remain inactive in terms of protection of the Russian soldiers fighting terrorism in Syria," the lawmaker said.

He stressed that the most important thing about the deliveries of the Russian missile systems to Syria was the seriousness of Russia's intentions.

"This means that this step will be implemented on the ground. The Russians have realized the seriousness of the situation on the ground and the fact that Israel was irritated by the agreements reached by Russia and Turkey. These agreements mean that Israels departs from this fight as a loser which has not managed to destroy the country and divide the Syrian society," the lawmaker stressed.

Announcing the deliveries of the Russian air defense systems, Shoigu indicated that Russia suspended the shipments of S-300 systems to Syria at Israel's request in 2013, but stressed that since then the situation had changed and not through the fault of Russia.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on Sunday denied hiding behind the Russian jet from Syrian air defenses. The IDF said in a statement that the security of the Russian forces in Syria was always taken into consideration when Israel was planning any operation in the region. At the same time, Israel pledged to continue countering "Iran’s incessant attempts to establish itself in Syria."

عدد المشاهدات: 10751

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