مجلس الشعب السوري
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 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

د. مرعي ضيف سيريا تايمز

الاثنين, 25 آذار, 2019

US President Donald Trump’s statements on the occupied Syrian Golan is a gift and moral support, which has no legal value, for the Israeli Prime Minister, who is running for his fourth constructive term, according to the Syrian Member of Parliament Dr. Ahmad Merei, who made it clear that the Golan Heights is an occupied territory in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and Security Council resolution /497/ of 1981.

The parliamentarian told the Syria Times e-newspaper the Israeli occupier’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights could not be legally covered and Trump’s move can’t change the legal status of the occupied Syrian Golan as it is an occupied territory and it is protected by the International law.

“The current U.S. administration’s statements related to US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal, keeping US forces in Syria, recognition of al-Quds as a capital of Israel and recognition of the Occupied Golan Heights as Israeli territory show that Trump wants to emphasize the strong coalition between U.S and Israel,” Dr. Merei said, indicating that Washington tries to make Israel the only strong entity in the region.


The MP added that Israel only understands the language of force and the US arrogance is based on the power it has, referring to the fact that Trump’s statement to leave 400 US troops in Syria means the deep state has managed to prevent Trump from withdrawing US forces from Syria.

According to the Parliamentarian, the US wants to stay in Syria and Iraq to loot gas and oil and to prevent the opening of a road linking Iran with Iraq.

In a response to a question about the importance of the meeting of chiefs of staff of the armed forces in Syria, Iraq and Iran held in Damascus, Dr. Merei said that these three countries face the same threat concerning US attempt to stop the spread of resistance against occupation and to make Israel the only strong entity in the region.

“The meeting, held to put main points to deal with the recent developments in the region, is a message to the US and Turkey as well… Turkey has not fulfilled commitments it made in Sochi and Astana talks regarding Idlib. It still temporizes, while the Syrian government seeks to liberate Idlib as soon as possible,” the MP said.

He believes that Russia, which has a firm and supportive stance towards Syria, has the unenviable task of meeting Turkey’s demand without threating Syria’s unity. 

“There is a hotline between Russia and US to prevent escalation between them,” the Parliamentarian concluded.

Interviewed by: Basma Qaddour


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